Rebar is normally used with concrete to provide stability and resilience to structural concrete-like foundations and walls that need tremendous strength for durability.

But there are many times that one finds the need to modify the concrete structure.

Cutting through concrete that has rebar has over the years proven to be a challenge. But who doesn’t like a good challenge?

With proper tools and diamond blades, you’ll find this task as a walk in the park.

Diamond blades enable one to cut into concrete with rebar without realising that you are fighting resistance.
Facts about Concrete and Rebar
Concrete and rebar work perfectly together in terms of strength, durability and stability.

Concrete, on its own, possesses a lot of compressive strength but lacks tensile vitality.

On the other hand, if installed properly, rebar can give more than 40,000 pounds per square inch of stability and strength.

Rebars differ in terms of thickness. Rebar with the thickest diameter is usually the hardest to cut.

The diameters of the bars usually range from 0.375 to 2.257
Things to Consider
● The duration in which the rebar has been in there
● The state in which the rebar is in
● The toughness of the concrete

With this, don’t forget to include your safety gears;
– A good respirator mask
– Leather gloves
– Steel-toed boots
– Eye goggles

Cutting Concrete with Rebar: Step by Step
You will need a concrete wet cutting saw with a diamond blade. You can purchase or rent one from a house improvement store at the corner.

Step 1
Assess and measure the area that you want to cut. It’s usually troublesome to make precise cuts at sharp angles using a concrete cutter. It’s wise to leave room for margin or edges with the measurements that you make.

Step 2
Using a highly visible marker, make marks on the measurements. Since you are using a wet concrete cutter, ensure that marks made do not scratch or wash away.

Step 3
Take photos (digital pictures) for future reference. Take the photos to a rental store if you’re to rent the cutter.

Step 4
Go purchase or rent the concrete cutter. If you are to rent, show the photos taken previously to the rental clerk. This will help in picking the best equipment for the work.
Go for the walk-behind cutting saw if you are to cut foundations, sidewalks, driveways and roads.
If you want to cut through walls and upright structures, then a hand-held concrete cutter will do.
At the rental store, see to it that you and the rental clerk go over the cutter just to ensure that you know how to operate it to avoid accidents and injuries.

Step 5
Before you set on operating the cutter, read the manual to ensure that the equipment is properly assembled. Check whether the blades are perfectly mounted and if they are steady.
Here is where you also have to ensure that you’re in full safety gear. You don’t want to end up in an emergency room with a respiratory disorder, or do you?

Step 6
Kick-off by allowing the cutter to warm up just to ensure that the blade is running at the correct speed, place and lower the blade onto the marked area. Guide the cutter firmly along the line and let the blades do the rest. You won’t even notice them cutting the rebar.

You can always DIY if you are confident enough. But it is wiser to leave the concrete and rebar cutting to the experts.

By |2021-08-18T02:34:45+00:00August 2nd, 2021|Concrete Cutting Equipment|

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